Mission and Values


SOCITREL understands that its success greatly depends on the well-being of its stakeholders, which include society in general, its customers, its suppliers, its employees and its shareholders, as well as its commitment to sustainable development, thus assuming the responsibility of continually improving its operational, environmental and social performance in the pursuit of its mission:

“Being able to provide quality products in an efficient and dynamic manner, safely and in strict respect for the environment, in order to satisfy its customers in a conscious and permanent way.”



Quality is one of the strict aims of SOCITREL, which is embodied by the reliability of its products, its manufacturing processes and working methods, ensured by the organisation of inspections, including follow-up of defects corrections and nonconformities of its products or processes.



We live in a globalised world, where doing more of the same thing does not create competitiveness. SOCITREL, based on its own resources, resorting to partnerships with specialised entities or partnerships with its customers, also intends to be an agent for innovation, either through the development of new products or by optimising existing resources.



Being aware of the environmental impact that its activities generate, SOCITREL is committed to raising awareness among its employees and contributing to a positive approach to environmental issues in the place where it operates. Assessment of potential impacts and risks as well as prevention are key steps towards reducing actual impacts.



SOCITREL is a dynamic company that adapts to new circumstances in a timely manner, aiming to meet the needs of its customers in several aspects. SOCITREL seeks to establish strong relations with its customers, in addition to a simple sales relationship, anticipating their needs and working together to overcome difficulties.



SOCITREL seeks to instill a spirit of constant commitment to improvement with its stakeholders (customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and other institutions) through the way it acts at the level of quality culture, innovation, respect for the environment in the pursuit of customer satisfaction.